fredag 19. november 2010

Bruce’s philosophers’ school

 White, Bruce, proper & naive
 Teacher of children Bruce’s
 Who loves butterflies, Bruce & teaching
 Who feels disgusted, repulsed & Bruce
 Who needs trust, love & Bruce
 Who fears customs, that kid & Bruce
 Who gives knowledge, care & Bruce
 Who wishes to see them grow up to become Bruce
 In the outback

tirsdag 16. november 2010

I'm sorry

I am truly sorry, sorry for the things we have done to your people. I apologize for what my ancestors have done wrong and what they haven’t done right.  I know can  never understand your pain, and I don’t want to. Because I don’t want to get hurt the same way you did. I do not mean this in any spiteful way, but what I mean is that I do not want to go through the hardships you have gone through. I don’t think anyone should ever have the same experience because of their race, skin color or religion. I am therefore truly sorry and want to apologize what I can for the things that has been done unto you. I want to apologize on behalf of the rest of the white society in Australia, and also on my own behalf. I know an apology can only do this much, but even if it helps just one or two, i will be satisfied.

I’m sorry!