mandag 31. januar 2011

Crash, the movie.

My initial reactions to the movie was that it was well made, but in a way too well made. The effects they used became very obvious and cliché at the end of the movie. To me it seemed like they tried too hard to just be better and better and better etc. This kept the movie away from being one of the best movies showcasing this theme and setting. Instead you end up with a good movie. Because, dont get me wrong, this is a well made movie with great characters played by great actors, but the atempt of making it superb ended up bringing it down for me.

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

How NOT to behave in your mentor buisness

Show up to your first meeting without clothes. Run around like a dim witted fool asking silly questions that don't make sense. Then sleep on a table in the cantina. When you are supposed to leave you can throw various objects out the window and then set everything on fire as you walk out the door.

How to behave in your mentor buisness

When you first meet your mentors, smile and greet them with your name. Act mature and take interest in what they say. Ask good questions and do as they say. Learn and develop as a person from the stay.