fredag 19. november 2010

Bruce’s philosophers’ school

 White, Bruce, proper & naive
 Teacher of children Bruce’s
 Who loves butterflies, Bruce & teaching
 Who feels disgusted, repulsed & Bruce
 Who needs trust, love & Bruce
 Who fears customs, that kid & Bruce
 Who gives knowledge, care & Bruce
 Who wishes to see them grow up to become Bruce
 In the outback

tirsdag 16. november 2010

I'm sorry

I am truly sorry, sorry for the things we have done to your people. I apologize for what my ancestors have done wrong and what they haven’t done right.  I know can  never understand your pain, and I don’t want to. Because I don’t want to get hurt the same way you did. I do not mean this in any spiteful way, but what I mean is that I do not want to go through the hardships you have gone through. I don’t think anyone should ever have the same experience because of their race, skin color or religion. I am therefore truly sorry and want to apologize what I can for the things that has been done unto you. I want to apologize on behalf of the rest of the white society in Australia, and also on my own behalf. I know an apology can only do this much, but even if it helps just one or two, i will be satisfied.

I’m sorry!

onsdag 22. september 2010

Linking words task for thursday 23.09.94

The Banana is quite the spectacle, it is long, yellow and bent. However, its still a fruit, such as apples and oranges. Therefore, many people think that it's very ordinary. Until they taste the flabergasting taste that is the Banana. Then they will completely forget about all the other fruits that exists. There will only be one, and the one will be the Banana

In conclusion we can safely say that the Banana is superior to all its "relatives", and is the best choice when you pick a fruit in the store. BANANA!!!!!!

tirsdag 21. september 2010

Task Tuesday 21.09.10

1) The analysis we read about the short story "Butterflies", was an exellent analysis. the reason for this is that the text is well written and composed. She/he uses Paragraphs in a good way, makes a clean and simple introduction and finishes with a good conclusion.

The way she ties her paragraphs is very well executed. She/he takes certain things and people from the earlier paragraps, and uses them to introduce what she is going to say in this paragraph. This also makes it easier to navigate between the paragraphs, when you seek to read about something spesific in the analysis.

I feel that what I have learned from this analysis, is that you can easily improve your text quite a bit. The difference, that just re-phraseing the beginning of your paragraphs can make, is astounding. It can improve the readability and make it easier for all audiences to read, not just the highly educated.

2) linking words:
- Nevertheless
- Therefore
- However
- Furthermore
- Moreover
- In conclusion
- Because
- Then
- Until
- Such as

torsdag 16. september 2010


Task A:
Hello! Have you ever wondered who I am? Well now you are going to find out!

My name is Brage, I am 15 years old, soon 16. I play floorball and sing on my freetime. I enjoy watching TV and playing video games, sometimes a bit to much. I am allways happy, but sometimes I am awfully tired, and I can be a bit grumpy.

Task B:
I feel English is more and more becoming a part of my everyday life. Some of the guys I play with online only speak English and then I also have to speak it. On TV aswell i see how it is getting more involved with norwegians, most of the shows on TV are in ENglish with norwegian subtitles. This also accounts for movies, all "adult" movies that isn't made in norway, don't have norwegian as a language option, and only as subtitles. Some movies don't even have that.

task C:
In the bar to the right    ====================================================>